Saddam Hussein Personal Year

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saddam hussein Numerology

Born on: 28th April, 1979

The ex-president of Iraq Saddam Hussain also called the Butcher of Baghdad was born on 28 th April, 1937 and his father figure was Kharaillah Talfah who brought him up. He died on 30 th Dec, 2006 at the age of 69 due to execution by hanging. He married Sajida Talfah and Samira Shahbandar and five children. He gained power from 1979 and was known for his brutality. He was the president of Ba ath Party. In 2003 with the combined forces of US and UK he was captured from Iraq and was convicted with the charges of killing 148 Iraqi Shi a.

Personal Year

He is showered with abundant creative aura and enigma in his life. He is really an excellent opportunity in career, romance, and money. He can make connections that will be immensely beneficial for his finance and image. He is filled with jolliness and creativity. He needs to rely on his intelligence and creativity to solve the biggest of all problems. He is the person with relaxation and fun. Saddam Hussein will be filled with ideas and dreams that can be a significant turning point. A piece of advice would be to write down all the senses. This may come handy during its implementation by the course of his life.

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